UA Research Computing

HPC Examples

Apptainer Examples

During the October 26, 2022 maintenance window, Singularity was removed and replaced with Apptainer. The commands singularity (now a link pointing to Apptainer) and apptainer may be used to perform all the same operations you’re used to and you can still run your existing images. However, remote builds via SyLabs are no longer supported.

All examples using apptainer directly on the command line need to be done in an interactive session on a compute node. If you get an error saying apptainer: command not found, you’re likely on a login node.


Hello World

A basic example of how to pull and run prebuilt images from Singularity Hub.

Apptainer Docker Pull

A basic example of how to use apptainer to pull and run Docker images.


Basic Build Example

Example showing how to create and build an image locally on a compute node.

Nvidia Tensorflow Example

An example of modifying a tensorflow image from the Nvidia repository.

Tensorflow from Cuda

One option for running Tensorflow on HPC is to pull pre-built images from Nvidia’s NGC repository. Another option is building your own container. This example shows how to build a Tensorflow image bootstrapping off a Cuda Docker image.

System Modules

Tensorflow Example Using a System Module

This example makes use of a Tensorflow image available as a module on HPC to execute a batch workflow on a GPU node.