Apptainer Hello World
You can use the pull or build commands to download pre-built images from resources like Singularity Hub or Docker Hub. In this example, we’ll pull a container from Singularity Hub and execute it in a SLURM script.
Command Line Container Pull
To retrieve the singularity image, you can pull it using apptainer pull
. This will save it locally to the filename and path provided (in this case, your working directory as hello-world.sif. Apptainer is available on every HPC compute node and does not need to be loaded with a module statement. On a compute node:
[netid@cpu37 ~]$ apptainer pull ./hello-world.sif shub://vsoch/hello-world
INFO: Downloading shub image
59.8MiB / 59.8MiB [========================================] 100 % 36.6 MiB/s 0s
[netid@cpu37 ~]$
Submission Script
#SBATCH --job-name=Singularity_Hello_World
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --partition=standard
apptainer run hello-world.sif
Job Submission
[netid@cpu37 ~]$ sbatch hello-world.slurm
Submitted batch job 514773
[netid@cpu37 ~]$ cat slurm-514773.out
RaawwWWWWWRRRR!! Avocado!